Open Low-code framework can help you build applications in hours rather than weeks, with an ergonomics suited to the real life, and enterprise-grade robustness. Publication of the following modules is ongoing.

- Open Lowcode Tools early access version (0.1.2) has been released on 05/AUG/2019. It contains the following components:
- Open Lowcode PDF: This java library on top of Apache PDFBox allows the quick creation of documents, managing advanced pagination and layout features.
- Open Lowcode Messages: This java library is a simple, rapid and compact library to transfer structured data as text, typically over a network).
- Open Lowcode framework (publication planned Q4 2019) is a dedicated application server quick to deploy, easy to operate, and fast to develop in
As of 20-DEC-2019, the framework is 14% published in open-source software.
The great check-in operation has started on 22nd of December, with the objective to publish all the framework by sunday, 5th of January. So far, an additional 15.000 lines of code have been published (24th of december 10am). You can check the real-time progress on github.
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